
Showing posts from September, 2021

Anthropocene and Biomorphic Design

    Turan describes climate change as not "a problem waiting for a solution. It is environmental, and political phenomenon that is reshaping the way we think about ourselves, about our societies, and about humanities place on earth." This is no longer a problem that we can tackle head-on. At this point, this is a reality that we live in. It is our current reality that we must deal with. This isn't a puzzle with a missing piece. This has now become a completely different state, focusing on how we can thrive in this environment, and how we, as humans, can provide for someone other than human kind; how can we focus on the earth and animals for once?     The sourcing of materials can bring us to another issue. Andraos states "This concept of dematerialization of buildings boundaries has also revealed a new understanding of the material qualities of buildings. (...) As buildings weave together complex systems, parts, and materials each element extends beyond its pres...

Sustainable Buildings Initiatives

     Focusing architects design into a sustainable direction is the most obvious way to go for the future of architecture. With earths existing conditions, storms are spiraling into more and more devastating events that we will have to plan out and prepare for.      Retrofitting is one of the best ways to deal with this. It encompasses many sustainable ideas; Instead of demolishing and rebuilding, that causes more pollutants, keeping existing structures can be beneficial. The structure remains, and there are no materials that are wasted and thrown away, and there is no need for import. The structure keeps its historical value, allowing for generations ahead to learn and adapt. Adding new ventilation systems will provide comforts to the tenants. Instead of building a completely new building. only adding a new ventilation system can prove to be enough. Especially when combined with a passive solar or wind gathering system, with minimal impact on the environme...

Architecture and Labor

     In the Ted Talk, Deamer describes work aphasia, and what it is like to be in the architectural career. She explains that architects tend to doubt their work, and whether it should actually count as work. This is mainly due to the existing structure of the career. As architecture does not create an end product, it creates a design of the product, the work of an architect does not seem like it is real, as a physical product is not produced. It seems to be too creative. This produces self doubt in architects' minds. Deamer argues that even art raised its standards, and it's seen as a work.. hence being called a "work of art"- and architects must strive to do the same.      Design work having little to no risk, reward, and control can leave the architects in a state of mental limbo. Feeling not accomplished in their personal career as no physical product is created by their hand, but being a part of the process keeps the notion of producing something intac...