Infrastructure Space

As we, humankind, begin to spread out further and further with the assistance of technology, we bring about multipliers to help aid our lives. as stated with the example of the high way, sometimes adding more lanes only creates more congestion. Understanding how infrastructure space works and how to specifically direct it, in order from the beginning to know how to solve issues and not create this congestions. With each disposition of networks, there can be a multiplier of sorts that causes the spread of the network like wildfire. D'Aprile states that we can't just simply "design our way out of (capitalism.)" From this point of view, we can understand that when it comes to politics, what we understand doesnt always apply. To the disbelief of many architects and students, what they do doesnt matter if the original network, i.e. capitalism, is corrupt and set on getting the rich richer, making the poor poorer, and tel...